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Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Going Old School

I was sitting in the waiting room at the doctor's office. There was an older gentleman (perhaps mid 60's) who was there to give blood for the lab to process. When he was called, he stood up and moved over to the receptionist's window and he said, "I hope I wasn't supposed to fast (go without food or drink) for this blood work was I? It wasn't written down on the card that I needed to fast." The receptionist looked up his appointment and told him that he did indeed need for fast for 24 hours before the drew blood. He had to reschedule. She asked if he wanted the appointment emailed to him. You would have thought she had asked him to cut of his arm and leave it behind. He went on a light-hearted tirade about how he has been in sales for 30+ years and if he needs something, the only way to do it is to pick up a phone, call and talk to the person. He was obviously resistant to the point of defiance when it came down to technology. I needed the receptionist to talk to the phlebotomist so she could take me as it was a last-minute change. I was a little bit miffed because this rant was causing me to be late for work. While this guy was on his soap box, I was messing around on my phone playing Star Wars Force Collection and Star Wars Assault Team. I was waiting for him to say something to me and he obliged. He asked me what I would do without my phone. I told him, "It would be more difficult to ignore people's complaints." I said, "I'm in sales as well and I can work faster and more efficiently with technology than without. The vast majority of my customers do things via email and text." He repeated something about how he works and I said, "Let me ask you something. If you were a farmer and you had a choice between plowing a field with a mule or a tractor, which would you choose?" I had a grin from ear to ear because the answer was obvious. He was a nice enough guy and he knew that he had been bested.

What does this have to do with EVE? When I first started playing, I used notebooks and spreadsheets. Nowadays I use purpose-built programs like EVE Wallet Aware, EVE Mentat and EVE ISK per Hour. I am always moving forward and rarely ever look back. Unlike the guy at the doctor's office, using technology is doing things smarter, not harder. I could work around that guy by magnitudes. People say we rely on technology too much. I guess that is only true if something goes drastically wrong. I have posted some blogs about some of the programs I use and I will continue to use them and try out new things.

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